High-Risk Pregnancy Doctor
While women can take the necessary precautions and steps for a healthy pregnancy, there are situations and factors that can result in a high-risk pregnancy. In these cases, seeking proper care from an OBGYN is crucial to the health of both the mother and the child.
Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy (HT) refers to either estrogen or combination estrogen /progesterone treatment. Estrogen therapy is the most highly effective prescription medication for treating menopause symptoms and in light of recent research is still safe and effective for many women when used for fewer than five years.
Minimally invasive hysterectomy is offered at Glow Obstetrics & Gynecology in Rockwall. This procedure allows us to provide women with the treatment they need while also reducing the chance of scarring or damage to surrounding contents in the body.
Robotic Laparoscopy
Da Vinci™ is a computer-assisted robotic system that expands a surgeon's capability to operate within the abdomen in a less invasive way during laparoscopic surgery. Da Vinci™ system allows greater precision and better visualization compared to standard laparoscopic surgery.
An ultrasound scan uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of the inside of the body in real-time. It is safe to use during pregnancy.